Premiums are not the same for everyone


Many people say “Bob has the same coverage and pays half of what I am paying” “Sue has an accident and she has a lower rate than me”

This may be true. What drivers need to know are the facts behind insurance. Every person has a different rate. Many factors come into place when insuring an individual. Here are some elements that may influence your cost of coverage.

Having a local independent agent can help you with all of your needs. Be sure to check us out for a quote or refer a friend or family member: 



Driving record

If you have a clean driving record, your insurance rates could go up significantly. Becoming involved in multiple accidents, receiving tickets or other infractions on your record could cause these rates to become astronomically high.

To reduce your car insurance costs strive to drive safely. Additionally, look into discounts that could lower monthly payments. Ex: Defensive driving course New York Defensive Driving Course Online | DMV Approved ( this course may remove up to four points from your record; in some cases, some classes even reduce your premiums by 10% for three years!

Many companies use point systems to assess your risk and calculate how much to charge you for coverage. While these differ from company to company, they usually include traffic violations and convictions that result in points on your record.

When searching for auto or home insurance, finding the right company is paramount. This is why having a local independent agent is the best. They can shop your insurance with their many carriers.

In New York, you have several ways to obtain a copy of your driving record: online, by phone, or in person at the DMV. Depending on the state, you may need to fill out and sign a form with payment.



Vehicle type

In addition to your driving record and credit score, the type of vehicle you drive plays an important role in determining New York car insurance costs. Generally, high-end models tend to attract higher premiums than their low-end counterparts; additionally, some models are considered riskier and thus charge more than others.

Your environment can also influence how much car insurance costs. If your area experiences high levels of traffic congestion and accidents, insurers may deem you a high-risk driver and charge higher premiums accordingly. On the contrary, if crime rates are low and no accidents have occurred there's likely to be lower coverage prices available to you.

Your age is another factor that affects the cost of car insurance. Younger drivers tend to be considered riskier and thus require higher premiums than older individuals. Young drivers are on a NYS 3 year probation. Rates tend to be higher during this time.

A good driver profile will lead to lower car insurance costs. These records must include a clean driving history and no moving violations on the record.

Other elements that influence the cost of car insurance include the coverage level you select and whether or not you have comprehensive or collision coverage.

Getting comprehensive insurance is highly recommended if you own a recent or high-end car, as it protects against damages caused by weather, animal, fire, vandalism and auto theft.

By law, drivers must carry a minimum of $25,000 in bodily injury liability per person, $50,000 for bodily injury liability per accident and $10,000 in property damage liability. Furthermore, they are mandated to carry personal injury protection (PIP) and uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage. Having the state minimum is NOT recommended as vehicles and property cost is very high.


Prior insurance

Impacts the rates of insurance. In some cases companies will only insure with prior insurance.


Driving infractions

Driving infractions can have a significant effect on your car insurance premiums. Even minor violations can cause your premium to increase by 2%, and repeat offenses will only make things more expensive!

In addition to fines and surcharges, the state also adds points to your driving record. Insurance companies use this point system in determining your risk level and therefore car insurance rates.

The number of points you receive depends on the severity of the violation. For instance, speeding tickets and other offenses that put you over the speed limit can add up to 11 points to your record.

If you receive multiple traffic infractions, your insurance rates will go up and it may become difficult to find affordable coverage. That is why it is essential to be proactive when driving and try to minimize any infractions as much as possible.

One of the best ways to prevent having a driving infraction on your record is taking a defensive driving course. These courses teach us how to become better drivers, which in turn can reduce insurance costs for you.

A skilled defense lawyer can represent you in municipal court if you receive a traffic ticket and need to contest it. They are familiar with both local traffic laws and New York traffic law, helping fight your charges so they don't go on your record or increase insurance costs.



Credit score

Credit score is a number lenders use to assess your risk for lending you money. It can influence the interest rate and terms you get for mortgages, auto loans or credit cards as well as determine if insurance approval or higher premiums than necessary are granted.

Your credit score is calculated based on information in your credit report, such as payment history, types of credit you have and how much debt you owe. It also takes into account how long you've had credit and how many times you've applied for new credit in the past year.

Different credit scores exist, including those issued by FICO and Vantage Score. Over 90% of top lenders use these systems to assess your creditworthiness.

Your credit score is a measure of how likely you are to repay a loan on time and how well you manage it. This number ranges from 300 to 850 and is based on your credit history.

Maintaining a good credit score requires making all payments on time and keeping your total debt low. Furthermore, avoid missing any payments or having accounts sent to collections.



When purchasing vehicle insurance, the amount of protection needed can vary based on how much protection is necessary. Liability coverage pays other people in case you cause an accident while collision and comprehensive cover protect your own car in case it gets damaged during a collision.

Having a loan or lease requires more coverage which increases the rate.

Maintaining your car insurance in New York is especially essential, as drivers there face greater danger on the road than their counterparts in other states. That's why it's crucial to have a local agent to shop around for you.

*Copied from a post on Linkedin  (changed/added/removed text around)*

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